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Welcome to reefree project!

Reefree helps to manage chemical parameters in a reef aquarium. It's thought for regular home-enthusiastics It plots evolution of Ca, Mg, Kh, NO3, PO4. Displays water changes, and additions of parameters Now it's simple but it works



  1. Install R
  2. Download reefree.R
  3. Execute reefree.R

Your data

  1. Mantain an spreadsheet file like where you record data.
  2. Convert to CSV in order to be used by reefree.R: reef.csv
    Note in the conversion the separator character is the semicolon ;

Using reefree

Rscript reefree.R param [days]
Params help:
all: plot all params
Ca,Kh,Mg: plot Ca, Kh, Mg
Ca: plot Ca
Kh | Mg | NO3 | PO4: plot Kh or Mg or NO3 or PO4
chemist: show recommended chemist ranges
water: display water changes
NO3-PO4: dispersion graph of this params

'Rscript reefree.R Ca': plot Ca for all days
'Rscript reefree.R all 30': plot all params for last 30 days
'Rscript reefree.R all2 90': plot all params (different display) for last 90 days
'Rscript reefree.R water 60': display water changes for last 60 days

Any suggestions or collaborations will be welcome. Write to: xaviblas@gmail.com

The project summary page you can find here.